Art with Technology

Art And Technology
We’ve known it wrong all these years

Define art

Let’s see what Google has to say. 

Art seems quite obvious to everyone. Looking at the second definition, we can see “the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature and dance” is art.

Art cannot be restricted to painting, music, literature or dance because Art defines a society and sometimes the planet.

Everything we do involves technology. From when we wake up to when we sleep; and from when we fall asleep to when we wake up, technology is inevitable like breathing.

Technology is a contribution of a certain people but used by a huge mass. It pushes a generation ahead making life easier. We need more thinkers and creators; we always have a promised number of users. Technology deals with science and mathematics but invention is brought by art. Scientists who invent are truly artists. It is the traits of an artist that bloom as inventions in the hands of scientists. 

My point is..
We may be indulging in various activities to earn a living or spend our leisure. We may do the same things that we’ve been doing for decades repetitively and live the same life until we die. 
What if we could add a little more creativity and imagination to our lives; always have something exotic to do everyday. Rules define everything and everyone. The only way to free ourselves from the limits of rules and traditions is ART. 

Art of life is the highest form of art. We must find the art in what we do because artists make the future.

Would you rather choose to do something different everyday or resist change. Read intriguing-thoughts-that-reveal-your-perspective to know what your inclination truly is.


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