The Smuggling

- Edwin Joseph

The Arena


“Any time now!”, said Gerry. Silver quickly used a bag to shield his ears and shut his eyes while anxiously waiting for the loud gunfire. Gerry hadn’t had a journey farther than today’s two-mile trip from his residence to the nearby horse-racing arena. It should have been his wife’s sudden death that killed all the enthusiasm in him. Silver had been with Gerry for long enough that they understood each other very well. Silver was more than just a pet dog to Gerry; he was the only family. There was no other way anyone could have adapted to Gerry’s incredible character. He was addicted to the solace he found in isolation. His restriction in the number of places to visit and lack of sense of prioritisation made it difficult for all living souls except dear Silver.

Gerry said, “In all my sixty-four years on this planet, there has never been anything that excites me more than the question - which derby horse will win the race?” Immediately there was a loud gunshot followed by all the horses rushing to the finish line. The hooves crushed the soil and broke the wind so intensely that anyone would wonder what had motivated them. Silver quickly removed the bag and watched the race. You could bet that he enjoyed it

from the way he wagged his tail. Maybe it was the months of staying indoors that made everything more interesting than usual. Gerry said, “Silver, you know how we used to enjoy the horse-racing when Ann was still with us. Somehow, I am unable to enjoy it now. I feel rather strange... all my predictions go wrong and all my adrenaline has dried up. I think it is because I am unable to get over the loss of...”

The quick flush of random emotions of the audience was too loud that Gerry couldn’t complete but Silver knew. The finishing of the race excited the crowd but this was a brief moment of silence for Gerry and Silver. Gerry said, “I think I should stop betting, now that I know my predictions always fail! Look at that horse there!” Silver searched among the derby horses at the finish line. Gerry continues, “Yeah... that one there... the one with the strange white streak on its back. I still think that one could have won the race if properly trained which in turn would have won me the bet! I am sure the trainer needs some training!”

Gerry was feeling uneasy and took a few moments to decide. Silver tried to predict his words. Gerry said, “Let’s...” and Silver just quickly started walking towards the exit. Gerry continued softly because he spoke to himself, “... find somebody at the cafe to play chess...” He sighed, ”You know me too well.” By the time he had completed his sentences, Silver was already beckoning to him from the aisle. Gerry chuckled and quickly walked by the audience who was keen on the race and gambling.

Max is suspended from college


Max knocked at the door, “May I come in Sir?” The Principal said, “Come in, Max!” Max entered the Principal’s room and had a confused expression. He asked him, “How did you know it was me Sir?” Mr. Stephen replied, “You always surprise me Max. You have been called to be warned and you are interested in how I figured it was you. You clearly oversee the importance of the situation here. You must...” Max interrupted, “I knew it was about the diet because my class teacher told me that she would report to you about my apparent carelessness. I am eating as much as anyone of my age would. However, it is not just me being careless, you haven’t answered my question either.” Mr. Stephen took a deep breath and said hesitantly, “Max, anyone could guess that the shadow of a scrawny boy, which could be easily confused for a stick, is yours with a considerable accuracy. Who else could it possibly be? Who could care about oneself any less than you do?” Max frowned and said, “You just do not know me enough. You have a set of prejudiced thoughts. You think what you hear is real until someone lies and you think what you see is real until you meet the magician on the street. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. You cannot even

promise me that you are alive, can you? There is an excellent progressive metal song describing prejudiced people like yourself...” Mr. Stephen replied angrily, “Maybe you have a point there. Let’s see how much of a promise I can keep.” Max realised he just invited trouble. Mr. Stephen continued, “Try and stay away from school for a week; call it a suspension. Let’s compare our realities, shall we? You are allowed to join back when you have put on five pounds and learnt to speak only when necessary. You may leave now!”

Max exploded in frustration and kicked the Principal’s table. He told himself, “Ugh..Suspended for being underweight? I am living on the wrong planet or the wrong era!” He walked out of the room angrily. He had his earphones back into his ears and resumed his progressive metal playlist.

Sara finally meets Robin


Sara sat at table number nine at Les Amis Restaurant frequently checking the time by her watch. She was obviously waiting for someone. The waiter approached her for the third time with a bottle of wine he was already serving, “Madam?” She replied, “Yes please!” She was nervous and probably believed that the third glass will help her overcome the trembling of her feet and the chaos in her mind. She finished the glass of wine immediately. The astonished waiter asked her again with a slight nod and a slight lifting of the bottle in his hand. She said, “I am expecting someone and I need to keep up my senses. I think you could guess from my anxiety...”, she stretched out her hand holding her empty glass to ask for more wine. The waiter didn’t overthink. Anyone could have been baffled with such an oscillation of choice. The waiter had no change in his expression, maybe because this kind of behaviour didn’t seem new to him. He has certainly seen couples in the restaurant and how strangely one could behave before and after the partner arrives. She continued, “I am going to see him for the first time. You know what is funny? He has seen me before and knows me very well. I know him only through the letters he’s been writing to me

for three months. I have sent him letters too, but he’s a mystery. Now, we have finally agreed to meet here and he’s not here yet. I wonder what must be keeping him. I still wonder how Robin knows me so well and I don’t know him that well...” The waiter didn’t want to involuntarily extract all their personal details. He knew that irrespective of the information he got, he would do the same thing; He said, “Everything will be fine Madam. More wine?” She rejected more wine. She said in her disbelief, “I need to be in my senses!”

Just then a young man walked in. Robin waved shyly at her, walked towards her and made himself comfortable at the other side of the table. He beckoned to the waiter and asked to serve them wine. The waiter filled his glass and asked for confirmation before he poured any more into Sara’s glass. She had four glasses of wine inside her yet she took another to give accompany him.

She couldn’t take her eyes off him. His deep voice gave him a commanding tone when he spoke to the waiter, but when he turned towards her, his voice was sweeter than the sweetest music. She wondered how he maintained the contrast. He is a mystery but the mystery is not confined to the voice. They talked and had a memorable lunch. Sara tried to learn more about him. She knew very little. How did he manage three months of letters without revealing too much of himself. Maybe he had better intentions than we know. They talked for a while and enjoyed lunch. Sara now knows much more than just his name. Sara learnt that Robin has been secretly gifted at music. Sara said, “Let’s go to my apartment, shall we? We could get to know each other

better... well, you know everything about me already. Have you got other plans?” Robin smiled.

At the cafe


Gerry entered the Les Amis Restaurant. Just then Lewis asked him, “Hey Gerry! You are late today. It is almost 4 o’clock. I was worried something might have happened to you. I came by your house.” Gerry replied, “Oh Lewis that’s so sweet of you! I had just gone to see some horse-races. There is nothing to worry. I am perfectly fine. Anyway, the quicker I leave the mortal realm, the earlier I reunite with my Ann for eternity.” Just then Silver nudged him. Gerry turned towards him and said enthusiastically , “Obviously I am not leaving you here alone. I am not suicidal... unless you leave me too...” followed by a laugh which quickly stopped. There was an awkward silence. Lewis quickly changed the subject, “Love is complicated and its incomprehensive nature makes it beautiful. You know... an interesting couple for lunch today, had me as their waiter. The girl had never seen the man before but the man knows everything about her! Why don’t you take your usual seat. I think that man there, with the brown coat and the cap, is interested in playing chess. Those chess pieces have been idle all day because you are late.” Lewis winked at him. Gerry was surprised, “It is usually I, who look for strangers everyday. Maybe today isn’t that bad after all.” Lewis

nodded, “Let me get you a coffee while you make yourself comfortable.”

Gerry sat at his usual seat, the only table in the restaurant with a chess board. He, usually, never had a companion in the opposite seat unless he sat there for a while, giving out the ‘I want to play chess’ signals. He greeted his stranger, “Hello neighbour! Would you like to play chess?” His face was hidden by the cap. He spoke, “I am not from this neighbourhood. Please sit down Mr. Gerry.” Gerry had some adrenaline, which he wished for in the arena, in his veins now. Gerry, with his pupil dilated, said in a soft voice, “Who are you?” The stranger continued, “You may call me Norman. I was sitting beside you at the arena today. I need to speak to you in private. This is important and of great mutual benefit. Keep it confidential and do not be late; same place tomorrow at 12 o’clock, table nine.” The stranger walked away. Gerry told Silver, “Hey, It looks like we’ve been under our roof for a long time. People are so strange these days. Or maybe... the world has changed. We need to get out more and meet more people.” Silver wagged his tail to express his excitement. Gerry continued, “We could go to some party or even invite people home for one. We could cut a cake and decorate the house with balloons for your birthday...” There was a brief moment of silence. Gerry was indeed thinking of something very important. Gerry chuckled, “I think balloons are a bad idea though! Yeah, according to physics... but you need to go to school to understand that.” Silver lost his enthusiasm. Lewis came back with the coffee and said, “Did he lose the game already?” Gerry

quickly readjusted his facial expressions to manipulate his emotions and said, “Yeah, I guess so... he was a novice.” Lewis said, “Looks like he’s not from around here... never seen him before. He told me that he wanted to meet you and I thought he was looking for a good game. Hey Gerry, I need a favour. You know my son, Max, he said he needs some help with his history project. You’ve taught history at high school for a long time. Maybe he could use your help.” Gerry said, “Why not? Let’s go meet Max together in the evening. I have actually taught in high school until I retired but isn’t Max in college now? You will be closing at the usual six today right?” Lewis nodded in agreement and went back to attend to the rest of his customers. Gerry sat in his seat thinking about this mysterious stranger, “Norman...” he muttered to himself.

Sara is in trouble


Sara, wiping the tears of amazement off her cheek, said, “Oh Robin! You have such a good voice. You are gifted with music skills and you can surely be a singer if you want to. It could have been much easier to be a singer, if you had favourable circumstances. You are not to blame, Robin. Some people are gifted with luck and the rest with skills. We both know you had a difficult past.” She paused and continued, “About the desert; I wish I could go with you but it doesn’t seem like a good idea.” Robin said, “There is no backing out now. This is my window out of the loop. I foresee some risk but I need you beside me. A life as an orphan is beyond your imagination. I’ve just told you about how cruel the world has been to me. I have tried all that’s possible to make a living. I have taken greater risks when I was younger without a drop of doubt. This will be the last. After this last job, we could go and live peacefully in some foreign land. You must come with me.” Sara said, “Hmm... I would like to go with you, but I have never taken such risks ever before in my life. The most frightening tale of my life is of the day I once got left behind on a school trip and all I remember doing is crying until I had everyone I knew

around me. I live a normal life with a normal job and everything is very normal...”

Robin showed her his most delicate smile and said, “Sara, it is just a trip except it is through a desert. What is life without a little adventure? You need to pack alright? We should start the trip tomorrow, in the evening.” Sara asked, “Why travel in the dark?” Robin paused for a moment and replied, “It is the stars my dear... they are beautiful when it is dark.” Robin bid her farewell and left her apartment. When Robin hit the road he got a call. He said, “Yeah yeah... everything is according to plan. We will move the shipment tomorrow... yes ... absolutely... she will be there.” He hung up the phone.

Max’s room


Max had his progressive metal playing at the maximum volume in his room. As he was head-banging, Lewis walked in with Gerry. Max shouts, “How many times should I ask you to knock before you enter?” Everyone had to shout considering the decibels in the room. Lewis calmly shouted, “Once. We had knocked...” Max interrupted, “Whatever...” Lewis was disappointed with his behaviour but never made an aggressive move. He knew how his son would always expect answers to his questions before he answered any himself. Lewis said, “This is Gerry. He is here to help you with your history project...” Max interrupted, “I am in college. Why would I need help from a retired high school history teacher?” Gerry could sense the tension building in the air when Max had no respect for his father’s efforts. He told Lewis that he would talk to him. Lewis whispered in his ear, “He might seem weird to many at first but he isn’t dangerous. My son is a good kid. I think it is all the progressive metal, he keeps talking about, that drives him insane. Please do help him Gerry. He’s got some issues at college too which he wouldn’t tell me.”

As soon as Lewis left the room and closed the door behind him, Max said, “Hey Gary! You listen to progressive

metal?” Gerry replied, “It is Gerry...” Max interrupted, “You haven’t answered my question!” Gerry sighed, “My apologies. No, I don’t listen to progressive metal.” Max spoke to himself, “I was sure that I was living on the wrong planet or in the wrong era. Nobody knows about metal...” Gerry said, “Ah! That’s not true. I don’t listen to progressive metal but I do listen to death metal.” Max was quickly excited. He turned down the volume and whispered, “Go on.” Honestly, Gerry didn’t enjoy that genre very much but his wife did. Ann was a metal fan and the topic occasionally came up during their conversations. Lucky for Gerry, he had enough knowledge to manipulate Max’s mind. He continued, “I usually judge a song by its intro and the bridge. The ones with the power cords...” Max quickly took over the conversation. He immediately made the whole conversation one-sided where he wouldn’t need Gerry to speak anymore. Gerry only had to nod at regular intervals to keep him content. Max showed Gerry his quote scrawled onto his desk, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Gerry liked the quote. He whispered to himself, “Einstein...”

While pretending to listen to what he was saying, Gerry walked around, inspecting the room. When Gerry turned, he accidentally dropped the table clock. He noticed something under the bed. Before Max could stop him, Gerry found pills. Gerry knew that Max was in trouble. Max said anxiously, “Don’t tell anyone! I could make you any deal... anything!” Just then Lewis knocked at the door.

What does Norman want?


Gerry was waiting for Norman at table number nine. Lewis was confused, “Gerry, why aren’t you there playing chess? You are expecting somebody, aren’t you? That’s new! Who is it?” Gerry took time to create a reasonable lie, “It was the man we met the other day. He told me that he wanted a rematch...” Lewis nodded, “Very well Gerry, you are still at the wrong table. If there is something bothering you, feel free to tell me. I’m here for you.” Lewis had to wait at other tables and left to attend to his other customers. Silver saw that Gerry was anxious and tried to console him not knowing what had caused it. There was only a minute to twelve when Norman walked in with another young man. He was all covered and there was no way to see his face. They sat down and started the discussion. Gerry said, “What is going on here?” The young man said, “Mr. Gerry, we need you to listen very carefully. You were right about the horse yesterday in the arena. That horse has a name - Rani. She was bred to compete, in an off-the-books breeding site in Marwar. She is an illegal creature who has been smuggled in and out of many countries. We have a plan which requires you to play an important part.” The sound of the young man seemed

funny to him. Gerry could neither completely understand what was going on nor understand their motive yet he sensed danger. Norman spoke after the young man, “Rani was named by her owners, expecting great fortune when her victories impressed buyers. She was an illegal experiment, a product of the two fastest derby horses and large amounts of steroids. She was treated badly when the expensive investment did not produce desired results. She was never trained but only injected and there is no wonder she cannot win the race and you know that.” Gerry asked, “What does it have to do with me? What do you want me to do?” The young man said, “You always wanted to travel the world but the small pension didn’t provide you enough financial support. Isn’t that right Mr. Gerry? We would like to sponsor one of your trips across a desert and give you international travel tickets to destinations you choose. We have a meeting in the desert with some foreigners.” Norman continued, ”They claim to have another one just like Rani but younger and trainable. We want you to inspect the skills of the horse and weigh their claims. We would have bought Rani but she’s too old to train now. What do you say?” Gerry abruptly said, “You want me to be a part of an illegal trade and smuggling?” Norman silenced him and said, “Let’s not use those words or it may be our last.” Gerry said strongly, “I cannot be part of it!” The young man said, “We know where you live, we know about your dog. Let’s hope they all are out of harm's way and let’s hope you are willing to cooperate.” They walked out of the restaurant.

Max requests for money


Gerry wondered how those men knew him so well. He was walking with Silver by the road when Max came running to him. Max said, “Gerry! Wait up!” He stopped in front of him panting. Gerry asked, “Shouldn’t you be at college now?” Max said, “First, let me thank you for not telling my dad about the pills you found last night. Secondly, I want you to keep another secret from my dad. I was suspended from college. Now, I need a favour from you...” Gerry said, “Hey... slow down Max. Let’s sit and talk about it.” Gerry had been threatened and he was trying to solve other problems. He must either have a large heart or a small brain. I hope it is a large heart.

They sat on a bench in the park. Max said, “Gerry, I have become an addict. My provider is asking for much more money than usual in return for the pills. I don’t have that much money.” Gerry said, “I cannot sponsor you any drugs, Max. I don’t want to do that.” Max was already trembling and said, “My withdrawal symptoms should win your sympathy. Listen Gerry! I don’t want your money. I need the anti-dote. I want the money to buy the anti-dote...” Gerry found that Max has started losing his senses already. It is mostly the pills he’s been taking. Gerry said, “Let me see

what I can do. You cannot be an addict at such a young age, Max. You will gradually lose your mind...” Max interrupted, “The mind is fictional. We are living a fictional drama. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Gerry was afraid Max would not be able to handle the situation by himself. Gerry didn’t want to be involved but his conscience forced him. Gerry said, “Max, I will give you the money but you must take me with you when you buy them. I need to meet your ‘provider’. That’s the condition. I am here to help you out, Max!” Max replied, “I am not sure if he’ll like that. Anyway, I don’t get to make the terms. I agree and thank you!” Max got up and started jogging. Maybe he was in the middle of his evening walk when he met Gerry. What a strange young man!

Sara and Robin leave the Apartment


It was evening. Robin was at Sara’s apartment. She said, “Robin, something doesn’t feel right about this trip. Maybe we should reconsider.” Robin said, “There is no need for a hesitation my dear. The desert is a place with lots of people and absolutely no danger.” Sara’s face turned red with anger, “You think I don’t know? I know how dangerous a desert can be. I know how illegal trades happen and many die during gunfights...” Robin interrupted and said, “We are not going to a gunfight! Please Sara let’s not delay any more.”

Robin got a call but he did not pick it up. Sara was confused and suspicious when he declined the call without checking who it was. He simply silenced the phone and left it on the table. Sara inquired about the call but Robin’s vague answers puzzled her. Robin went to the bathroom because he wasn’t prepared with a lie. Robin didn’t realise that leaving the phone outside was a mistake. She slyly took his phone to check his phone and understand what he’s hiding from her. She found out that multiple calls were made to just one number. It didn’t seem quite right to her as the contact was saved as ‘LS’. It surely wasn’t his friendly neighbour. She listened to the previous call recordings:

LS: Are you sure?
Robin: Yeah yeah!
LS: Are there any changes in the plan?
Robin: Everything is according to plan. We will move the

shipment tomorrow.
LS: Is it all under control?
Robin: Yes.
LS: We expect something just like Rani. Right? Robin: Absolutely!
LS: She should be there at eight.
Robin: She will be there!

Sara broke down. Just then Robin came out of the bathroom and found that she had his phone gripped tightly in her hand. He guessed correctly that she has got some information. She sobbed, “Who is Rani? How do you know her? Are you having another affair? How could you do this to me? I trusted you! What are you and your friend really going to do in the desert? Are you kidnapping me? Who are you really?”

Robin was speechless. He said, “You must trust me. I want to be with you. I cannot explain more now! I need you to come with me right now!” Sara sensed a pre-kidnap scenario. She panicked and screamed. Robin tried to cover her mouth to prevent alerting the neighbours. Sara became violent and in self-defence she attacked him. She tore his shirt and found the huge scar on his shoulder. Knowing that that could be a sensitive spot, she punched him right there. Robin cried in pain.

She ran away from her own apartment in an attempt to save her life. Robin took some time to regain his senses. He checked his shoulder. It had the same restricted movement. He looked for Sara but couldn’t find her. He told himself, “ I should have told her earlier but she wanted me to sing. I knew there were more important things to discuss than my dreams. I wish she had asked me what I did for a living. Anyway, I should go now, I can’t be late. I will tell her everything when I am back. At least the scarred shoulder is not broken...” He looked for his phone. He sighed realising that it was with her. He took out his other phone. He dialled and said, “I am on my way... I’ll be there at eight!”

The Trade


It was evening. Norman picked up Gerry from his house. Gerry insisted that Silver should go with him. They were in a Cadillac driving through the desert. The young man joined them on the desert highway. He followed them in a truck. They travelled to an interior site and stopped at what seemed like an abandoned place. The sky was clear and only the moon and stars produced any light. The sand occasionally moved around with the breeze like they enjoyed the new company. There were remains of buildings which once sheltered a small village. The automobiles made no sound as their engines were cold. The breeze whispered danger into their ears. They were now waiting for their foreign seller to appear with their shipment - a horse like Rani.

Gerry asked Norman, “How am I to tell you about the quality of the horse in this desert with no means to check?” Norman replied, “You better sort it out yourself otherwise it will cost you heavily!” Silver growled as he sensed the tone of threat.

Gerry, trying to enlighten the mood, continued, “Who is that young man who has been with us all this time and is your real name Norman?” Norman said, “I met him the day

the day I met you. He seems quite proficient in history and he is here to weigh the authenticity by using his knowledge in history. Let’s not exchange too much information just yet.” Gerry frowned.

Without much delay, another truck could be seen approaching the site. The truck stopped and a tall man stepped out. He was clothed in dark colours and a quick move would let him camouflage in the desert. He walked towering over the cacti; he knew the desert well. He was confident like it was his territory. He was no novice. He said, “Give me some rain.” The deep voice was intense. He quickly established a dominance which intimidated everyone but Norman. Norman said, “Let’s play some game.” An exchange of secret confirmation codes made everyone on site focus. Gerry said, “There is not another soul here, you really need secret codes?” The young man said, “You may call me Robin and I have brought your package. It is in the truck, but I need to confirm that you have the money first.” Norman said, “Very well, here’s your money.” He opened a suitcase with money. The amount brought a smile on Robin’s face. Norman said, “We need to inspect the horse, my friends here are experts.” Robin paused for a moment and then said, “I shall let you inspect with restrictions. I cannot let you use the beast freely before you hand over the money.” Norman replied, “Surely, we cannot hand over the money without confirming that the quality is as promised.” Robin nodded in agreement. He allowed one person to inspect the horse in the truck. Norman signalled Gerry to do what he needs to do. Gerry approached the truck. Robin opened the door and let him

inside and got in himself. Gerry noticed the strange white streak. He remembered that it was the same from the arena and had confirmed that the horse was indeed Rani. Gerry realised that he couldn’t be alarmed. Had he any sign of disapproval, it might trigger Robin’s reflexes. Gerry thought for a moment. He tried to make a wise decision given the fact that he is unaware of the weapons Robin might possess. Gerry nodded and told Robin, “It’s all good!” Gerry came back to Norman and whispered in his ear. Gerry noticed that Norman wasn’t quite happy with the news. He stared at the other young man with disappointment. Robin said, “Do we have a deal?” Norman said, “Not just yet. You might want to answer a few questions.” Norman said, “Max, go on, ask him a few questions.” Gerry was taken aback. Gerry whispered to himself, “Max?” Gerry contained his emotion and somehow tried to comprehend the situation. Max asked him, “Mr. Robin, I hope you have the right answers to these questions; where was she bread, what is her age and what dynasty did the ancestors of your horse belong to?” Robin was confused, “Kid, I do not know the answers to that. I am not a historian. I am here to deliver. I have been hired by the seller. I will deliver the goods and that’s all I know...”

Norman interrupted, “Hey! Tell me this. Why is your beast named Rani?” Robin had a turned white with fear. Norman took out a gun and shot him in the thigh. Robin cried in pain. Gerry tried to stop Norman but failed. Norman was infuriated by the fact that they tried to sell him Rani which cannot be trained after promising a younger one like her which could have been trained. Norman was angry

but he had no reason to shoot the delivery guy. Norman went closer and had him at gunpoint. He asked, “Who is your seller?” Robin cried, “I don’t know! I truly don’t know!” Norman shot him again. He shot his arm. Robin had quick thoughts. He grabbed him by the leg and Norman fell in the sand. Robin tried to reach for the gun on the ground but his shoulder didn’t have the range it once did. Before Norman could get the gun, Gerry quickly grabbed the gun and yelled, “No more shooting!” Well Gerry is holding a gun for the first time. Robin couldn’t move, therefore, Norman was more successful in grabbing the gun from his hand. Robin gave up, “I will tell you. I will give you the details. Do not shoot!”

Norman said, “Name?” Robin was losing his grip on life, “His name was Lewis... ” Norman was about to pull the trigger, there was a loud sound, “Police! Hands up in the air! Disarm yourselves! Put the gun down or we will shoot!”

Behind the bars


It took time to get his conscience back running. Gerry wasn’t surprised to wake up behind bars but was worried about Silver. Gerry pleaded for information about Silver. Gerry yelled from his cell, “Where is Silver? What did you do to him? Where is Silver?” The old man couldn’t take the heartbreak. He broke down.

The door opened and the doctor walked in. The doctor said, “Mr. Gerry, you are in a hospital please do not shout! You were locked up in here because you spoke gibberish. Silver is right outside with a young man named Max. You’ve been out for two days now. It is probably the shock from the experience in the desert. Why did you go there anyway?” Gerry was confused and didn’t say anything. The doctor said, “It is alright. You will recover soon. You are lucky; you are not injured. There was a man from the site. He was shot twice and has just managed to survive because he was shot in the limbs. However, he lost a lot of blood. Accidents in a desert can be challenging because the hospital is not nearby.”

Gerry knew it was Robin and was happy that he didn’t have to die because Gerry recognised the horse. Gerry asked, “What about Norman?” The doctor stared at him for

a second and said, “There is no “Norman”. There was a man named Antony. He was a smuggler and a thief. He was wanted by the police. The police records say that he would normally set up a meeting in a desert and kill everyone after an illegal trade. He would destroy all leads and evidence and would disappear leaving no trace behind. Actually, the police aren't sure if their assumptions are true because they have no evidence to prove it. I just hope they have got the right man now. He has been imprisoned for five years for attempt to murder. However, the police will need to collect enough evidence to convict him of his previous crimes.” Gerry was surprised, “He was such a dangerous criminal! What about Max? Is he alright?” The doctor smiled, “He’s right outside with Silver.” Gerry was partially confused but he asked no more questions. He thought to himself, “Why am I not in prison?”

“Please send them in here!” requested Gerry. The doctor nodded. Silver rushed into Gerry’s arms. They cuddled for a while until Gerry saw a man standing there. Gerry asked him, “Where is Max?” The man replied, “I am Max, Sir!” Gerry was confused again, “So it was you who went to the desert with us but you sound different now.” Gerry confused that man. He said, “An elderly man offered me some money and asked me to take care of the dog until you are awake. Hope you are well Sir!”

Letter to Sara


Dear Sara,

I have made it difficult for you. Like I said, life has always been cruel. My life is a product of my circumstance. You told me yourself. I worked as a hired hand for traders and merchants to make dangerous trading trips across the desert. It was very risky and I knew it. I didn’t want you to know about it. I always thought I could find myself a way out of this loop. I was certain that I could quit soon but every time I thought that it would be the last job, it really wasn’t until now.

I cherish our moments. I couldn’t possibly live with you, leading such a dangerous way of life. It would have put you in harm’s way. I tried to release myself from the deadly loop. I repeated my intentions to the traders and merchants of the desert and made it clear that I would not work for them anymore but they insisted I did one last job and they would pay me enough; enough for both of us to live happily together somewhere far away.

That job in the desert almost killed me that night. Funny, there was a gunfight like you feared. Luckily, I survived but only to spend some time in prison. The broken law system

was only interested in closing a few cases and had charged me with a crime I never did. They have convicted me with the murder of someone I do not know. They have the whole list of crimes I had committed since I was twelve and added the unsolved murder to my crime report. Tomorrow, I will be executed for smuggling, robbery and murder. The death penalty is only a gift because I dread every part of my life except the ones spent with you. I always wanted to quit, but I never could. It was an addiction that I could never break free from. I was too late to realise that a life with you could have made me happier than anything else.

Sara, won’t you see me one last time before I am gone? I am all prepared to make the one-way trip, the journey to eternal peace. I desire to see you again before my eyes are closed and my body is cold. Only you could offer me the peace on earth I really need right now.

Gerry meets Lewis and Max


Gerry was upset. He couldn’t guess why Max had to do what he did; he wasn’t even sure if it was him. However, he remembered very well that Robin had said the name ‘Lewis’. Gerry concluded that Lewis and Max had set him up. As soon as he could be discharged from the hospital after several tests, he hurried to the restaurant. He found Lewis waiting at the tables there. When he saw Gerry from the inside, Lewis beckoned to him and asked him to come inside. Gerry was furious he said, “Do you have any idea about what I had gone through? What was your...” Lewis said, “Oh yes! How are you feeling now? I had come by the hospital to visit you but you were in a cell. The doctor said that you were in a traumatic shock and it may take a while for you to recover. I knew you would want to see Silver as soon as you wake up, so I arranged for a young man to attend to Silver’s needs. His name was Max, coincidentally! He was there wasn’t he?” Gerry was confused but couldn’t think of what could have happened? Just before he could make another statement Lewis asked, “What exactly happened that night? Max told me that you had planned for some trip to the desert for the history project. He told me that you both accidentally encountered a gunfight. His

description was vague and I couldn’t understand. I didn’t ask him more. I prefer asking you...”

Gerry wasn’t sure. Is Gerry going insane? What is going on here? Max should know. Gerry said, “I don’t really remember, Lewis. The shock of the sight of the gunfight was terrifying! I hardly remember anything now.” Gerry was almost convinced that Lewis had no part in any of the recent events. He asked Lewis, “Where could I find Max?” He replied, “He is probably in the park in the middle of his evening walk. You should be able to find him there.” Just when Gerry was about to leave, Lewis said, “By the way Gerry, I bought a derby horse. They call her Rani, I got her for a really cheap price. Apparently she’s a good breed but lacks training. I will show her to you some day when you are free. You should get yourself some rest now. Take care Gerry!” Gerry nodded and was worried again. He hurried away looking for Max.

As he was passing by a pharmaceutical, he found Max inside. He entered the shop and found an intense argument between the person at the counter and Max. Max said, “Give me those pills. I will pay you all you want. Give me all of those.” Gerry interfered, “What’s the matter here?” The person at the counter said, “This scrawny young man here wants the weight-reduction pills. He is too malnourished to take any. This is meant for the ones who are overweight only...obviously. The law couldn’t possibly think that one could overdose on these pills, hence the law requires no doctor’s prescription but I will need one. He could die consuming too much of this!” Gerry said, “Max, I have something to ask you. Could you spare a moment?” Max

said, “Sure Gerry! I’m glad you are back to your senses now. The doctor said that you had severe traumatic memories of the gunfight which is why you spoke gibberish in the hospital!” Max turned to the person at the counter, who was too confused to speak and said, “I will be back soon. I want you to keep those pills ready. I don’t like to be kept waiting!”

Gerry asked Max, “Tell me Max. What is going on here? Why are you fighting for weight-loss pills? How were you involved with the smuggling group?” Max started laughing hysterically. He said, “Have you ever tried one of these pills? It tastes amazing!” Max put one in his mouth and continued, ”These pills are any day worthier than a bar of chocolate and the price tag is its evidence. I lost my wallet in college, in which all my money was. I went around asking everyone I saw on the street. I finally met a man with a nice brown coat and a cap, in one of the dark alleys. He seemed mysterious to me and he struck me as a smuggler.” He thought for a moment, ”Maybe... he wasn’t really a smuggler. In that case, I have accidentally framed him. I told him about a legendary horse from my history textbook and I joked about one such horse being in the possession of one of the desert traders with whom I could arrange a trade, if he was interested. I convinced him that any risk is worth having the horse. He took the bait. He gave me the money to buy my pills. I demanded a huge sum in advance. With the amount, I bought the cheapest horse from the arena and hired a top-rated delivery guy who delivered risky packages across the desert. I told him my name was Lewis.” Gerry was shocked, “So he isn’t Antony?” Max lifted his

eye-brows, “His name was Norman, he’s no Antony. The police just call Norman an Antony because they do not know who Antony is... or maybe he is Antony but only he knows the truth.” After a brief pause, Max continued, ”The man unfortunately insisted that I should be with him during the exchange. He told me about your participation.” Gerry interrupted him, “Why did I have to be involved? You should have kept me out of this mess!” Max continued, “I had to submit a history project at college. The theme was - The Aftermath of Smuggling.” Max chuckled, “I just came up with the topic that night!” Gerry said, “Max, you should have done the homework by yourself without dragging me into it!” Max continued, “I had asked for your help and my dad told me that you agreed to help. What could possibly be better than a real-life incident? Moreover, being among strangers might scare me in the dark so I thought having you in the vicinity would be a good idea...until you blacked out.“ Gerry chuckled in his disbelief, “You are afraid to stand among strangers when gunfights don’t scare you!” Gerry was happy that he realised that it wasn’t him going crazy like he feared. He assumed that he was losing his mind when he himself couldn’t connect the events in his life. Gerry could understand who was actually running low. He said, “Right! You really tried to get your pocket money and the history project sorted out by playing such dangerous games? You tried to optimise? Lucky for us the police arrived!” Max exclaimed, “Oh I forgot to tell you that part! I had to pay a handsome amount to the delivery guy. He had some emotional commitments and wanted to quit. He wanted to live a silent life. I had to pay him the whole

advance because I desperately needed him for the plan to work. When I realised I was broke again, I figured something out. All smugglers are of great interest to the government. The reward is huge. I could buy enough pills for a lifetime. I had informed the police the day and time of the exchange, which is why you aren’t dead or more importantly you aren’t in prison because I told them that you were helping me with the plan, Gerry!” He winked at Gerry and went back to the shop demanding his pills. Gerry told himself, “Yeah... I was certainly helping you, just that I thought it was the history project.”

Gerry was about to walk back home when Max came out running. He said, “Gerry, I’ve told you, Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Even you had no idea what your reality was. I am your deliverer and you owe me, Gerry!” Gerry said to Max, “... and I am living on the wrong planet or in the wrong era.” Max grinned, “Precisely! Now you are learning.”

Robin in the death row


Robin was going through the toughest moments of his life - death. His only source of comfort was the hope of seeing Sara. He was content to have Sara as his last sight. The guard said, “Hey, you got five minutes to change. Say your prayers; we need to go.” Robin took deep breaths.

Robin changed to the clothes the guards had given him. The guards weren’t comforting. Robin in a feeble voice asked the guard in the most pitiable manner, “When will I see Sara?” The guard said, “We have sent her the letter according to your final wish. She will be there on the other side of the glass pane. Now, she will have to watch you die as they inject chemicals into your veins.”

Robin’s eyes were filled with tears. The man who took great risks and was fearless, cried his lungs out. The guard shouted, “Shut your mouth smuggler! You should have known this is how you will end when you involve yourself in such illegal activities, mocking the law!” Robin told himself, “Keep it together!” He followed the guard to a room. The guard said, “Go meet your lawyer!”

Robin was confused. He thought it was the government’s policy to provide the people on the death

row with random lawyers. He whispered to himself, “A councillor would have been more useful...” The voice was deep, “You ain’t getting a councillor, but I am what you need. The name’s Antony, a smuggler and thief, richer than any man you’ve ever met and your second chance. The only question that remains - do you want to live?” Robin was so confused that he spoke nothing. Antony repeated, “Robin, do you want to live?” Robin shook himself out of that confusion and quickly replied, “Yes Sir! I want to live with Sara.” Antony said, “ I had heard about you and I see a professional smuggler in you. I can train you, make you rich and provide you security for the rest of your life. I can help you. You will work for me from now. Deal?”

Robin didn’t have to think much. He said, “Anything you say. I’m at your service.” Antony replied, “Good. For now, just play along. Everything has been arranged. Meet me in Mexico. I’ll send someone to pick you up at the airport.” Antony left the room.

The guard said, “You ready to meet your maker?” Robin nodded. He followed the guard to the room. He was made to lie on the death bed. The doctor strapped him tight and started his usual chemical execution procedure. He looked through the glass pane. He searched for Sara. He found her with eyes filled with tears. She nodded. He couldn’t hear her but could make out with the lip movements, “Circumstance... my love!” The doctor said, “Injecting in five, four, three...” The room went dark. The bulbs had no electricity to glow. The whole city had no electricity. Surely, someone powerful has tampered with the power grids. The lights were back in ten seconds. The bed was empty; Robin

was missing. Everyone was amazed but Sara smiled. She whispered in a way only she could hear, “Mexico...”

To be continued... 


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