Unwon Prize

We are often excited by the news of the promised gifts and rewards. What could possibly be wrong with celebrating a guaranteed success?

I looked around, carefully observing the place.

I was extremely cautious this time because

I could not afford another distraction.

My focus was crucial in this hunger tension.

My eight legs were prepared to hunt

All eyes were excellent

I was yearning for my prey

I patiently waited the whole day

I had to indeed confirm

that it wasn’t a dream.

With my sticky web, I tested my luck.

The little plump fly was stuck.

I went closer to gaze at my prize.

To escape, she strenuously flapped her wings

Whereas my exuberance induced thoughts in me,

“All the days I could live on with this one meal!”

I went a little closer to gaze at my prize.

“Without hunger, in the days in paradise

I will have my strength’s recovery

And every bite, I can dearly enjoy.”

Again, I went still closer to gaze at my prize.

“I will have no need to hunt for days.

I can save for later too, maybe.

Truly a fortunate game is this fat one, for me.”

“Oh no! She flitted away with her cheerful face.”

I was drooling over my unwon prize,

When the fat fly was engrossed in getting away

My exhilaration aided the fat fly’s get away.

And here I am, back to square one.

with a great necessity to start all over again.

Her tenacity clearly explains why she was plump.

And now I again rely on my uncertain luck.

The Spider attentively examined his surrounding, hoping to find food. He was starving and lack of complete focus might mean death. He tells us that he needs to be very careful and cannot be distracted. Eventually a fly came his way. He probably deserved it as he waited for a long time. He was even successful in trapping his prey in his web.

The Spider was distracted, again. He thought about how promising his success was. He was so involved in his thought and drifted away from reality. All his plans were very logical and possible but his prize was still not yet completely his. While he was distracted, the fly completely focussed on one crucial task - escaping from the sticky webs. Her focus saved her life.

In our lives too, we could adopt the nature of the spider or the fly. Sometimes, we make plans with expectations. We are deviated from the required task and enjoy the promised fruits. It is truly painful when you have worked so hard for something and the fruits vanish just because you couldn’t hold your focus in the most crucial finishing moment. From this fable, we can also appreciate the effort of the fly. It is brought to our notice that focussed hard work is more promising than luck.


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