Contribution of the Right Kind of Education

Evolution is a Teaching

We learn which was, to make which will.

Wile Creation
Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Earth and Man
often revoking dominance play

Man walks the Earth
Man appeared on earth, and had lived and died making remarkable changes which changed the course of history and the face of the planet. 
 In the very beginning, no man knew about becoming the species that dominated the Earth. However, everything he did varied from survival tactics to establishing himself as a better masterpiece than his ancestors and leaving a mark. 

It is the quality of the education system that prevailed, which does not match with the present’s, which delivered this massive success after working for the previous aeons. Today we can clearly see that humans have moved higher up the food chain as well as established himself in such a way we appear to rule the world. 

The Sole Purpose of the Education System

The generation does everything basically for its children who are the future. Maybe involuntarily, but they make home a better place or ruin it but the newer generation always uses whatever has been given to make their difference.

If a random generation is taken from the past, we must understand that it is not them alone who made everything that existed then but the combined effort of the years. When the men of the first century had only a 100 years of learning to transfer to their children, the men after the first millennium has a few 1000 years worth experience to teach. 

Today our situation is different and we don’t even know how many years exactly we must teach our children. A few thousand years of learning is what we consider important to be taught. The advancement in the educational technology allows a generation to learn thousands of years’ data in 30 to 40 years, giving them maybe another 20 years to contribute to the pile which eventually is transferred again to their children.

As saturation of the time-available is met and life-span meeting no significant increase, we can project a situation where a generation has so much to learn that by the time they finish learning they have finished living. This is the case when every generation assumes the same level of learning and knowledge without further improvement and are unable to use time to contribute further. 

The situation we face is very dangerous. Half our lives spent on learning the past and rest half in teaching that to our children. Where is the time to contribute? It is suffocating and life gets busy.

We are a part of a society. We live and let live. We work for others and they for us. We trade the products of our skills. This is why, you must not focus on learning everything that Earth has taught our ancestors but only what YOU need so that YOU can contribute.
Remember, only when you able to contribute what others can't you are of high market value. The rich pay the skilled to get things done. When everyone finds their passion and test their unique skill, the available time is never saturated. This attitude brings greater success to the generation, the species, and the planet. 

We must identify what we love. We must learn only what we love. Only then can we contribute and make sure that
We make a Difference


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