Barking Dogs are seldom Barked Back at

How Often Do You Bark?

It is the natural behaviour of a dog to bark when it finds itself in the right situation to bark. However, the puzzling thought of lion barking is truly unimaginable. Does the lion roar instead of barking because it cannot bark? I really do not know. But a common idea prevails that the roar of a lion is far more majestic and threatening than a dog's bark. Eventually, the power of intelligence and thoughtful-acts by the man is of superior nature. MAN has the power to annihilate the species of dogs and lions but is responsible enough not to.

What I would like to convey is "do not bark back at barking dogs!" the most important reason as to why you should not is the fact that you are not a dog. The actions and reactions are mostly developed as a result of circumstances (both thoughtful and unthoughtful). Nobody blames a dog for being unable to talk or walk like a lion or a man because nature understands; WE must understand. 

There are various classifications of people according to their behavioural patterns. WE have the power to decide if we should adopt the nature of the dog, lion or man. Instinctively, I believe that everyone reading this will opt for the MAN. Let our actions and reactions be such that it defines us and redefines others and not remodel ourselves to end up barking back at a barking dog.


  1. Given that a dog can only communicate by barking, it would be impossible for a human to fully comprehend their thoughts as, well, we don't bark. But what if we could understand it? Perhaps there's meaning in their barks. As the more advanced race, we could provide an answer to their queries, an explanation to their doubts and they might stop barking so to speak. My point being, it would be completely meaningless to ignore a barking dog.

    1. Very true and a necessary observation I see here. As our state of existence is not completely the reflection of our efforts, we must make sure our presence in the world is observed. We must leave a mark from which many may benefit. "our actions and reactions be such that it defines us and 'redefines others'."


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